In order to work effectively, AB scheduling and n day rotations (custom) must match your school schedule all year long. If the Planbook Plus schedule does not match your school schedule, you can realign it. Once you realign the schedule, Planbook Plus will continue to calculate AB and n day schedules for you. However, you can realign the Planbook Plus schedule as many times as necessary to ensure that they remain in sync with your school calendar.


Adding a Scheduling Override

To get to the scheduling override, click on the gears in the top right corner, then select preferences. You will find the scheduling override at the bottom of the scheduling tab page.

Adding a scheduling override changes the entire schedule from that date to the end of the year (unless there is another scheduling override set for a date in the future).
To add a scheduling override, type in a date, or click on the icon in the Override Date box, and select a date. After selecting a date, click the plus button.


A new row will appear in the grid.



Each column in the grid represents a scheduling type you currently use in a Planbook. You can reset any, or all, scheduling types for any given date.

  • The AB override column has you select whether that date is an A day or a B day.
  • The n day rotation columns have a drop down where you can select the “day” that matches your school calendar.


  •  The “N/A” selection in a column means that you do not wish to override the schedule for that scheduling type.


Removing a Scheduling Override

Removing a scheduling override changes the entire schedule from that date to the end of the year for scheduling types with a selection other than "N/A" (unless there is another scheduling override set for a date in the future).
To remove a scheduling override date, click on the red remove button at the end of the row in the grid.


The date will be removed from being overridden. If you wish to remove the override for a specific scheduling type, simply select “N/A” for the scheduling type.