Custom holidays are otherwise known as non-teaching days. Planbook Plus will automatically skip non-teaching days when creating or shifting lesson plans. These days also have no impact on AB schedules or n day rotation schedules. If you need to adjust the scheduling, please read about Shared Holidays, or Schedule Adjustments.


Using Custom Holidays

You can easily turn custom holidays on or off in the Planbook Settings page. Click the Edit link to view and edit the list of Custom holidays.



Adding Holidays

To add a day, you can type, or select (click calendar icon), a date in the Holiday Date field. After selecting a date, optionally enter a name for the holiday and click the Add (+) button.



You will notice a green status bar show temporarily telling you that the addition of the holiday was a success. You will also see your new holiday appear in the grid, selected for you. Holidays in the grid are in ascending order by date.



The larger calendar on the left allows you to easily identify days that are marked as holidays as they are highlighted in gray. You can also use this calendar as an alternate means of selecting a date for a new holiday.


Removing Holidays

Removing a holiday is easy. You merely click the Delete (-) button on the far right side of the holiday you want to remove in the grid.
After clicking this button you will see the status bar success message. The holiday will be removed from the grid and the calendar.




Affects on Scheduling

Custom holidays do not shift schedules (AB, n day rotation). They only remove the ability to create a lesson plan on that day. If you need to adjust the scheduling, please read about Shared Holidays, or Schedule Adjustments.